I'm a Russian native who lived in Ukraine for 10 years and created a family there. This book describes the start of the war in Ukraine from day one. It is about our first shocking week during the war, about overall panic, air-raid alerts, and hiding in bomb shelters. It is about our move to the safer part of the country first and then eventually out into Europe.
This book is about thousands of people like us who keep fleeing the war by seeking safety for themselves and their families, having to leave their men behind (they are not allowed to exit the country). It will tell you how we are trying to adapt in Germany and interact with local people in our attempts to integrate.
I will show you Germany through the eyes of somebody born and raised during the USSR times; you will see a transformation of my views regarding this country, which used concentration camps in the past to dispose of thousands of people (I will show you the one in Dachau from the inside, the very first death camp built by Hitler's Nazis), and now it is protecting Ukrainians from violence of Russian soldiers - the descendants of those who defeated German fascism 78 years ago.
I will tell you about the key events inside Russia during the current war, such as the mobilization, the Wagner Group hiring convicts to fight in Ukraine, Prigozhin's mutiny, and the details of how it happened. I will explain to you the Russian symbols of this war - "Z" and "V", what they mean, and why they are associated with Hitler's Reich by those who are against this war. I will also tell you about many other things to do with the war between Russia and Ukraine.
You will learn what it is like to be a Russian who opposes the war, while you are rejected by your pro-war (or indifferent) countrymen and anti-war Ukrainians who hate everything to do with Russia now.
Overall, I will take you on a "tour" of the hard path Ukrainian refugees have to take in search of safety and how they are settling in Germany, at least temporarily.
This "trip" will be interesting, so buckle up