Contributed in part by reducing greenhouse gas emission, and also by the means of improving local resilience, the international community have been working on mitigating the uncertain impact of climate change. Against the backdrop of carbon reduction policy such as Carbon Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality proposed by Chinese government, regional sustainable progress inevitably calls for resilient strategies for human settlements that address local issues upon climate change adaption and resilience theories. Since the impact of climate change on human settlements, risk and resilience assessment methods, and spatial and technological strategies have already broadly studied by international academia, more attention should be taken into research on spatial planning, urban design, landscape design, innovative engineering, emerging technology application, and interdisciplinary perspective to strive to realize the goals of peaking carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality.
To this end, this issue expects to discuss the resilient strategies adaptive to climate change for improve human settlements at varied scales. Introducing international perspectives, LA Frontiers encourages the bridging the latest research outcome with application and practice.
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