This book is written from the perspective of a person who grew up in the home of an alcoholic. Although much older now, I will always be the child of an alcoholic. My father died because of his addiction, and I truly never realized the pain he was in until he passed away.
In this book, it is my intention to share some of the experiences I had growing up in the home of an alcoholic, through and including his death. If you are facing an issue like this or have experienced this in your life, you will likely understand what it is like to be a part of a relationship like this. What you may not understand is that even though it may appear that nothing matters to them other than alcohol, there is a knowledge deep inside the person that really does know the truth and really wants the relationship but is scared to leave the deceitful friend behind.
It is my hope to touch the life of someone who is concerned about this issue and to give them encouragement to not let the life of someone they love be lost.