French Language Puzzles is a collection of 76 activity sheets split into two parts: Part One has 54 sheets based on the 20 vocabulary areas covered in my other publication French Vocabulary Practice, whereas Part Two has a further 22 sheets on a range of linguistic topics. Each sheet includes a variety of stimulating and engaging activities which enable students to practise and improve their vocabulary knowledge and general language skills.
The types of activities offered include the following:
annotating drawings and diagrams;arranging words into pairs of opposites and/or synonyms;building up sentences classifying vocabulary under headings;completing general knowledge quizzes;deciphering mirror writing;filling in gaps in passages sentences and phrases;filling in missing vowels and consonants in words and phrases;finding the odd word or phrase in a sequence;finding words in word searches;giving the next word or phrase in a sequence;identifying and correcting errors in short texts and sentences;identifying and fitting in words to a blank grid;identifying correct translations;identifying vocabulary items concealed in word blocks;identifying words from clues, descriptions and dictionary definitions;indicating whether statements are true or false;linking together split and jumbled words, phrases and sentences;linking together words and phrases which share a connection and identifying that connection;matching linked sentences;matching up questions and answers;rearranging words and sentences in logical or chronological order;separating word snakes into individual words and phrases;solving anagrams;solving codes and ciphers;solving conventional, spiral, jumbled-clue, anagram and text-based crosswords; unjumbling words, phrases and sentences.Each sheet has an answer key which is placed apart from it towards the end of the pack.
If you also wish to practise your French grammar and/or vocabulary then you may be interested to know that three further titles, French Grammar Practice, More French Grammar Practice and French Vocabulary Practice are also available as A4 photocopy master packs as well as in traditional and e-book format (again published by Kindle Direct Publishing). My website http: // has further information on these titles.
If you are learning or teaching Italian then three similar titles, Italian Grammar Practice, More Italian Grammar Practice and Italian Vocabulary Practice are also published as A4 photocopy master packs as well as in traditional and e-book format by Kindle Direct Publishing - see http: // for further information.