This book is not a biography of Kafka. It focuses on the thinker Kafka, not the artist. It emphasizes that part of the work where thought is expressed most directly, most in line with the major objective.
There are two Kafka. There's Kafka the artist-writer, the man with a passion for literature and writing, the man who, during his lifetime, published a body of work that could be classed as "minor literature". And then there's Kafka the seeker, the thinker, the man obsessed with finding the right soil in himself to be born and to live in, the man who considers that he has not yet been born, that he has died in this world, that he is the survivor, that he can be a beginning, that he can be the one who is authentically born. There is a relationship and a tension between the artist and the thinker. In the work he published or planned to publish (his great unfinished novels), the artist did not want this relationship to be clear and direct.Related Subjects