Today, more than ever, we need a solid word for an unsure world. No other book reflects the heart of God and the passion of man as powerfully as the book of Romans. In fact, some call it the Constitution of Christianity. Join Dr. Adrian Rogers as he teaches from Romans 10-16 on the topics of service and surrender.
Salvation Romans 10:1-13
Faith: What It Is and How to Have It Romans 10:17-21
Is God Through with the Jews? Romans 11:1
The Secret of Effectual Prayer Romans 11:36
Discovering Your Ministry Romans 12:1-2
Christian Citizenship Romans 13:1-7
The Wake-Up Call Romans 13:11-14
The Things That Make for Peace Romans 14:19
Saved to Serve Romans 15-16
ABOUT ADRIAN ROGERS: For over fifty years, Adrian Rogers preached and championed the Word of God. In that time he became one of America's most respected Bible teachers presenting the Good News of Jesus Christ with strong conviction, compassion, and integrity. His ministry continues thanks to a rich legacy of sermons, studies, books, booklets, and other resource materials. Through Love Worth Finding, his multimedia ministry, tens of thousands of believers have had their faith strengthened and thousands more have entered into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. His teaching will inspire you to grow in your love of the Lord and service in His kingdom.