Adventure. Exploration of the human condition. All woven into a grand tapestry...
Join Talon Forge on a quest for a brighter destiny. Leaving behind the grueling forges and rigid dogma of his past, he seeks freedom but finds rejection and suffering. The Xandrian estate offers hope and light-but also a burdensome cross. Disillusioned, Talon follows Lumen to Prospect, an island of promise.
To get there, they pass through Wide Gate, sail the Sea of Delusion, and dock at the Port of Inflamed Imagination. The voyage begins with decadence and light, but Talon feels out of place, sensing hidden hostility. His journey takes a dark turn when he's condemned to the oar room and ultimately cast adrift.
Will he reach Prospect? If so, will it be the utopia he craves or another illusion hiding decay?
Buy Forged Destiny to join Talon on his quest today