"...evocative of iconoclastic sci-fi author Harlan Ellison at his snarkiest." --Kirkus Reviews
The UFO field needs a new voice. It's time for a wake-up call. In our 21st century info-saturated lives we can surf ourselves into a frenzied sensory overload, and we do. The data blur can so overwhelm that general humanity zones out and abandons hope of finding a semblance of truth. It's become a fierce challenge to connect the dots of the UFO and alien visitation realities, to filter out the facts from the ugly sludge of lies and disinformation. Wade Vernon is a seasoned UFO experiencer, researcher and skeptical inquirer. Force Fields is his non-fiction rite of passage journal, a compendium of extremely unusual experiences, both those of his own, and others. Interwoven into the narrative are the spoils of his decades of tireless research, including cutting-edge interviews with famous UFO insiders Linda Moulton Howe, Stanton Friedman and the late Budd Hopkins, abductee/authors Whitley Strieber and Travis Walton, and topped off by a Naval admiral's disclosures, and those of an aerospace engineer working on Black budget USAPs--Unacknowledged Special Access Programs. Even more pivotal and explosive is the story thread of the NASA classified UFO video that was once the centerpiece of a UFO Museum in Santa Fe, the Space Science Center (fully documented with newspaper clippings), and the verbal corroboration a NASA aerospace engineer gives about its existence, hammering home in a single sentence the degree of the lies told by his agency, and others, to perpetuate the Big Lie--the one which says that UFOs aren't real and aliens aren't visiting. If you follow Vernon's cross-country trek, raw truths await at the end of the trail. It's for you to decide if you're up for a wild ride way out there into the wide open spaces.