About the girl on the cover of my book. Carol Vitale was a lead singer in my band, a friend, and a wonderful caring person. She was also the July 1974 Centerfold model in Playboy Magazine. She made multiple humanitarian contributions before her tragic death. "Folie 'a Deux The True Story" is a true story of the wanderings of two (famous in their own way) people. One an inventor, engineer, and musician. The other is a renowned musician and composer. Their highs and lows. The good with the bad. The crazy adventures of Kent Carter and Bob Gibeault. Through this book, you can live their life experiences as they shared them. It covers the gauntlet from across America to France.
Solve the mystery of one lost for fifty years. A true adventure in life and how they found each other....or didn't.
REVIEW: "Bob's story is rich and detailed. The narrative was fast-moving and humorous. For instance, the second paragraph on page 5 started with the words, 'Morning breakfast is a dangerous place to be'" It features many humorous, colorful characters. Folie 'a Deux will be hard to put down until it's finished.
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