Far from growing indistinct at the approach of marriage, this dull anguish of mine increased, on the contrary, as I began to appreciate better the delicate purity of Therese. But all at once it was dissipated, at the sudden appeal of my desire; and arguments crowded to my brain to justify this volte-face. What should I gain by deferring an act which alone could give us access to fleshly delights? Was I going to succumb to a morbid fit of sentimentality?-make myself ridiculous in my own eyes by omitting to exercise, that very night, my rights as a husband? Would it not be better, at the cost of a transitory suffering on Therese's part, to awaken to-morrow side by side with the body of a real woman, capable of appeasing my desire? A shiver passed through me and in response came a violent tension of my sex. My thoughts were concentrated on a narrow, voluptuous image, -that of my flesh tenderly imprisoned by the flesh of my beloved. The preceding ravishment had already lost all importance in my eyes;-it was nothing save a rapid and indeed insignificant act; a brief pain which would quickly evaporate amidst the fire of immediate sensual enjoyment.
Fleshly Prelude tells the seductive tale of a gentleman protagonist as he woes his way into his new bride's bed. But Therese is quite the naively virginal whose knowledge of the carnal relations between man and woman has been much limited until now. Will she give herself over completely to the one man she has promised to honour or obey? And will she reach those heights of orgiastic abandon at the deft hands of her loving tutor?
This sensuously charged gem of 1930's erotica brims with a sexual energy as two lovers come to terms with the wants and their passionate dreams.