What puts a baby at risk of preterm delivery, what you can do about it, and what to do if you go into preterm labor------------PAGE 8How to build a birth plan---------------------PAGE 28What to pack for your hospital stay for you and for Baby--PAGE 34How to tell the difference between false labor and true labor-----------------------------PAGE 49We'll cover the whole labor process---------------------------PAGE 53The wonderful time when Baby meets Momma( )----------PAGE 103What to expect during the first 24 hours of yourbaby's life----------------------PAGE 108
"First-Time Mothers" is a must-have for every library If you're expecting... You'll find this series interesting, enjoyable, and full of information. The stories in it will have you going from busting a gut to crying and back again. Join me as I reminisce about my pregnant years and share with you what I've learned.
"Sarah S Keller does a wonderful job laying out the information about pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and labor and delivery in a way that's engaging, interesting, and comical. You'll be enthralled from beginning to end " -Nishoni Harvey
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