When Henry Hughes and Cameron Jameson meet for the first time at a Coming Out Day party, it's anything but love at first sight. In fact, it's an unmitigated disaster, despite a scorching physical attraction.
Henry, whose social anxiety gets the better of him, humiliates Cameron, and when Cameron finds out about Henry's past in adult films, he assumes he dodged a disease-covered bullet. Yet as Henry runs into Cameron again and again, he realizes he might have misjudged the younger man. He also realizes that Cameron won't let go of his own initial view and thinks Henry is an unmitigated ass. First impressions are lasting impressions, and Cameron seems to misinterpret all of Henry's words and deeds.
It's not until Henry confronts Cameron that Cameron realizes just how wrong he's been, but he thinks he's lost his chance. Yet when disaster strikes Cameron and his friends, Henry rides to the rescue. Will Cameron be able to put aside his pride and shame to accept Henry's help and his heart?