Finding Mr. Sunday is a novel set in the post civil war era about a young man who is suddenly thrust into life alone. His sheltered upbringing has left him woefully unprepared for the realities of life that hit him abruptly and squarely in the face. Enter two women, a beautiful young widow and her equally beautiful daughter who forever become an integral part of his life. He struggles to become the man he wants to be while wrestling with his own weaknesses, insecurity and fear of losing anyone he holds dear. The story follows Will as he recovers from a gun shot wound while in the care of the two women and begins to shape himself into the man he wants to be. The story begins in the Missouri countryside where post war turmoil prevails. It then follows the three on a wagon train west over the California-Oregon, to a prolonged stay in Salt Lake City, a mining venture in the mountains of Wyoming, and eventual settlement in California where the characters begin to shape their own lives. The book is filled with adventure, excitment and drama, full of real history as relates to events, geography and culture of the time. Extensive research was done in an effort to add color and accuracy to the events in the story. The book has a western genre flavor but delves deeply into the challenges presented in coming of age, relationships, and finding oneself. There is an inherent universality in the story that everyone will find familiar. The book is written simply and plainly with the purpose of providing the reader with an enjoyable, entertaining, exciting and fulfilling read. The story ends on a surprising turn of events that will leave the reader feeling the read was worthwhile.