A Production is a compilation of multiple roles, consistent theme and a teamwork. And I want to bow you down for drawing such a hard-earned and phenomenal one for your protagonist so far.
You are truly a gem of a film maker!
Eh? What do you mean by you are not? You're not a film maker, are you sure?
Well I know you are and you will agree to it too.
You are a maker, writer, director, producer and a casted actor/actress of the longest ever made, ever seen and ever lived film, a film of your story, your days, your ambitions and your ways.
Sounds filmy, isn't it? Because it is!
Life is not like a film, it is a film. It is a spoken unspoken narrative narrated, curated and acted by and for the main character you were by birth assigned to play.
Film-e-life is a guide for that active crew inside you, It is a filmy perspective to look at all the drama that we are living to leave behind.
It's your story that this is book is all about!
"You're the main character"