Longings move us to action, whether closer to a cup of coffee or to seek out relationship. Our longings have the power to move us toward Christ - or away from Him.
But what about unmet longings? We won't always have everything we want. Unmet longings can look like a barren womb, an empty house, a divorce certificate, or a bare left hand.
Filled: His Presence, Our Purpose will remind us of the Truth that our longings will find their satisfaction in Christ alone. Together we will identify our needs and take them to the only One who can fully meet them.
This 5-week Bible study is designed for those seeking fulfillment. Journey from the Old Testament to the New Testament through the many times in Scripture people found their lives drastically changed by God while sitting at a well. Not only were wells the source of one of life's greatest necessities, but they were historically a place for betrothals. The idea of a woman at a wishing well wasn't created for children's stories, but is repeated throughout Scripture as an invitation for your longing heart to come and know Jesus in a deeper way.
Together, new believers and seasoned students of the Bible will learn to press in to more clearly hear the voice of Christ. We were created for intimacy with Christ, but to truly know Him, we must be able to identify and respond to the sound of His voice. Only then will our needs become met. Through this study, you'll walk away with a fresh hunger for the Word of God, find healing for your unmet longings in life, and learn to nurture a deeper awareness of how deeply you are loved by Jesus.