"On our last demo, Lena invited us into her new double-wide home-so new it had been delivered just two days before, and they were moving in. Lena had The Bible Story as a child. She had read them through. She wanted them for her baby girl. She could hardly let me say any of my presentation. She wanted to know how much and how to get them right now!
When I put the Bible Readings into her hands and just turned a couple of pages, she excused herself for a moment. When she returned, tears were pouring down her face. She did not say why. She got her business checkbook and wrote the deposit. Her lead card was four months old...People are still waiting. Who will go?"
Read faith-building stories of divine appointments that show there are still people out there searching for Jesus! Learn about Daniel, who was adopted twice, Sheila, who mistakenly thought the author was selling a washing machine, and how God might lead us down a pig path to reach His children.
The author hopes that the reader will gain a renewed sense of what God can do through His hands on earth-His children! She desires to inspire her readers to share Jesus with others. The author shares her love of literature evangelism and wants to inspire others to love it, too.