A blue whale in its death throes sends a warning signal out to the whole world. The time to act and stop the devastation of Earth and all living creatures is now!
AT LOST LAKE, a few of the students and instructors feel a tremor that arrives with a wake-up call-or those willing to listen and act.
Wild life veterinarian, Josephe Rondeau, suspects that someone at the New York State lab may be purposely "losing" the bodies of wild creatures she has sent to determine the cause of their suspicious deaths. Among the students, Rocco is now driven to save to a beautifully marked bear cub he nursed back to health now sought by a trophy hunter. Makayla and Jalil need to know why salamanders and frogs are deformed and dying. Ray-Ray has a rare connection to a recovered young blue jay, as if the feisty creature has a message for him. As some awaken to the greater needs of the world, others are drawn by old habits back into lives they are here to leave behind. The determination of a few, to protect the earth and its wildlife will soon attract powerful enemies. Meanwhile, Steve Tanner's discovery during a highly-charged visit with the Washington, DC, police sets in motion an investigation into the apparent cover-up of his wife Olivia's murder. Painful news about why she failed to meet him on the day of her death shakes Steve to the core. Tony Wyoming, a Marine veteran and DC detective, gains Steve's trust - but faces a tangle of confusing clues, threatening anonymous messages, and is ordered to quit his investigation. As for Dhani Singh Jones, his uncanny gifts weaken and begin to fail-until in a burst of revelation, the rescued eagle shows him the challenge he must overcome to regain power.
Dhani and the others will have to be strong to counter forces at work against all nature and humankind.