Justin Boyle comes home to bury his father - to settle the estate of a man he has not seen in decades. He discovers a locked room that hampers his expected short stay at the house he grew up in. Memories of the old neighborhood are recounted throughout his untimely visit in addition to acquiring a new love interest. Solving the mystery of the locked room is paramount in Justin's mind as an expected short tenure becomes a labor of love and fulfillment. From eastern Baltimore County Maryland to the eastern shore of Maryland and Delaware, Boyle encounters old friends and memories on his way to solving a mystery that was thrust upon him.
Bob Herring
Growing up in a small suburb of Baltimore County provided the inspiration for writing this novel. Memories were recalled of people and places frequented by the author. Bob Herring taught and coached in the Baltimore County school system for thirty years. He later worked as a golf instructor. Since then he has pursued his love of antique collecting, specializing in golf collectibles. He is blessed with a patient, loving wife of fifty-five years and has two wonderful children.