"Run, Kay. Run now. Don't stop."
Her parents' warning haunts her. It had been a mistake to show her true power. Enslaved to train as a Fire Dancer, Kay's only goal is to get back home. But escape won't come easy. Not only is Kay kept on a strict schedule, but all eyes are on her due to her unique abilities to Breathe fire, a level of talent not often seen in the arena, the prime property.
But she's not the only one who wants to go home.
It's not easy to trust Wallace, but when the boy offers her only chance at escape, she doesn't have much of a choice. Wallace is certain he can sneak them out past the catacombs, the den of dragons, if only Kay steals the map that will guide them.
Their plan is dangerous and wild, but Kay doesn't care. She'll do whatever it takes to get back home because her parents told her to run, and that's exactly what she plans to do.