Every one deserves a strong, healthy, supportive family. Especially you. With the heart of a pastor, the mind of a teacher, and the soul of a musician, Steve Makofka will share with you the knowledge and skills you need to build the family you've always wanted. By reading Family Recovery you will learn the five essential traits of a healthy family; how to build a supportive family; how to manage family friction; how to experience family healing; how to identify your family's values and mission. You can change your family tree in one branch.
The principles in this book are rooted in, and compatible with the latest research in family systems. It applies principles found in ACT Therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, positivitive psychology and relational health. The goal of the book is to be as universal and timeless as possible in it's application.
Steve Makofka is a pastor, teacher, and musician who helps people with mental health and recovery issues understand and apply family dynamics, so that they can build strong, healthy, supportive families.
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