In the final days of the golden era of television, before the thirty somethings suits with business degrees from the Ivys invaded Hollywood and turned television into 382 channels of reality, shopping, talk and dribble, three young men would meet at the University of Southern California film school setting their individual and collective sights on careers in the world of the small screen. This is their story.
One had looks, another had talent and the third had connections. Starting at the bottom of the ladder, the way success in Hollywood used to begin with a more sensible predictability, each set out to "make it". Set against a backdrop of the major networks still controlled by the pioneering genius of the big three: Paley of CBS, Goldenson of ABC and Sarnoff of NBC, the three young protagonists, allegorically mirroring the mystical and magical three kings and three networks of television will sacrifice everything to make their dreams a reality. Unbridled ambition trumps honor, humanity and love. Only one man will survive the climb to the top.