"...I have given you the designation Delta-10. You will be referred to as Delta-10 from this point in time onward. Do you understand?..."
"...She had what resembled a mouth, nose, cheeks, eyebrows, eyes and long eyelashes, but her expression remained completely static. She could not animate her face; only the eyes gave a hint of what was being felt within. They were remarkable, piercing and glowing; the more emotional she was, the brighter and redder the glow, and currently, they were very bright and very red..."
In a future world, human life has long been extinct, its place in the Universe replaced by self-designed robotic races, each generation more advanced than the previous. Delta-10 was one such robot, a hybrid creature with an organic brain and a strong mechanical body, humanoid and female in appearance. From a chemical brew of protein fluid and parasitic plant tendrils, her brain was fermented into existence, forming a fully aware and functional organic mind. She came into a world where war was the new norm, where everywhere she looked there was fire, ruins, destruction and despair. Confused and conflicted, not knowing if her mind and self were real or merely an organic computer programmed to think she was real, she knew she had to find answers.
Who built her and why? Why did she feel an affinity with the enemy race? What mutant horror led the invaders and why was it so intent on her destruction? Was she just a machine, incapable of real emotion? To get these answers she knew she had to help the native robots of the planet, to build an army and lead them into battle. During her quest for answers, friends are made and lost, enemies made and destroyed and, as always in war, the innocents would suffer. But she soon found that the invaders were the least of her problems, she had inadvertently created a new foe, more powerful and dangerous than anything she had yet to encounter...