Faith, Family, Friends, and Fried Chicken 3 is the final adventure of the Faith, Family, Friends, and Fried Chicken series written by Sherry-Marie Perguson.
Sherry-Marie's journey continues to propel forward with her down-to-earth humor and undeniable Southern charm. She keeps you laughing through every part of her journey, all the while exuding her deep belief in Faith and challenging the reader to relate it to their own journey. And what would this trilogy be without some "over-the-top" mouth-watering recipes from the culinary vaults of her Southern family and friends?
Sherry-Marie's writing style has been compared to "Fried Green Tomatoes meets The Notebook"... but Sherry-Marie laughingly describes it as "Erma Bombeck meets Joel Osteen and they go have dinner together." In this third book, you will not be disappointed to where the journey takes you. Just enjoy the hilarious ride.
Fried Chicken anyone?