Evil appears in many disguises, even someone who looks as harmless as a retired middle school principal who wears comfortable shoes. Evil can seem like a godsend in unlikely places, then corrupt and destroy the good. Even in an animal rescue shelter in a small town where deadly secrets hide in plain sight.
Something is terribly wrong at the local shelter in Book 2 of the inspiring new series, The Booper and Harry Mysteries. In Evil Wears Comfortable Shoes, every week, the largest rescue dogs disappear. Harry Chapman, a troubled teen crusader for doing the right thing, regardless is confused and suspicious.
With her fearless Redhawks soccer team, Harry had saved the gentle warrior dog and "love of her life" Booper from a grisly death in Book One, Be Careful What You Wish For. Just weeks later, they are learning the painful lessons of getting what you want-arrest records, community service, petrified parents, emotional wounds and maddening media celebrity.
Determined to save the shelter, Harry learns that "Marion the Carrion," the gruff shelter director and a retired principal, is keeping secrets so dark she can't imagine the truth.
Determined to rescue the dogs and defeat the malicious Marion, Harry, Booper and the fearless Redhawks are lured into a dangerous web of deceit and death. Fur and feathers fly as the team again must call on all of their athletic skills, their deepening friendship and their undaunted determination to do the right thing and triumph over evil.