There are times when we need more structure in order to reach our greatest achievements. Such things as saving trackers, bill due dates, and/or goals for the months all contribute to better financial resources. Instead of jotting notes down on your phone this planner will provide inspiration for a well-rounded lifestyle. Everything She Needs Lifestyle Planner is designed to organize your life for better time management, allowing more time for you.
Created by Janae Belcher, The Everything She Needs 12-Month Planner is designed to fit into shopping at Everything She Needs, LLC. Belcher also has more planners to debut within months of each other. Her next two planners include an entrepreneur planner - which will include a business portfolio and business card holder - and an academic planner. With over 20 planner ideas, Belcher will start making 2nd and 3rd editions to every planner that she creates. This attention to detail in turn will make highly personalized, detailed tools that cater to the specific needs of all kinds of people, because everyone has different needs and methods. Her hope is that people will continue to purchase her planners for years to come, and eventually she'll release other stationery products such as notebooks, thank-you cards, pens, and more.