A marine biologist is stranded in the Arizona desert. A troubled beauty travels the world in search of an elusive identity. A concert pianist is torn from her profession. A worn circus performer executes her ultimate trick. Meet these characters and more in this engaging and diverse collection of seventeen stories by V.S. Kemanis, an author whose "insight into human behavior" is "truly unusual" [The Kindle Book Review].
The women in these pages, young and old, are everyday people experiencing joys and sorrows, facing personal challenges and moral dilemmas. Their personalities and relationships will amuse and enlighten you, as each woman discovers her boundaries, occasionally transcends them, but always reaches for something more.
Beautifully and artistically told, these stories and their wonderfully rendered characters will stay with you long after closing the cover of Everyone But Us. "Kemanis knows how to build a story and keep it going." [Foreword Reviews on Love and Crime: Stories].