What do writer's do between novels or when needing to take a quick break from all that plot device and character arc? Why, they side-track into short stories and flash fiction for inspiration and a divergence from "the norm," of course Oh, but when "writer's block" hits, that's when the real "trouble" begins, so be wary of that when Muse comes out to play. A writer's mind is never quiet, from moonbeams and ghost stories, to the terrors of the Cursades and WWI, to the simplest of things, like brushing the cat, there's no rest for the wicked, or an author's cluttered mind. "Writer's prompts" take on a whole new meaning when the writer in question insists on spinning each on their head and taking a hard-left into "alternate meanings," but even a volcano can be beautilful under just the "right" lighting conditions.So grab your "cuppa of choice," your favorite wooly socks, and a few candles, snuggle in, and enjoy the treck through the margin notes, you're sure to find something decadent.