Eva is a bright, determined girl with a bountiful imagination. She fills each day with adventures, squeezing in as much as she can before bedtime. A trip to the moon, cure a rare disease, drive a train? Absolutely.
What will today bring?
Bilingual book d104 in both English + Dansk (Danish).Eva kan lide at g til eventyr. Nogle dage er Eva en astronaut, der flyver til m nen. Nogle dage er Eva en bjergbestiger, der bestiger gigantiske bjerg.
Supporting Children's Charities + NKH ResearchProceeds from this book go towards the Children's Charity Joseph's Goal - a charity for children with Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia.
Denne bog st tter Team Mikaere og Joseph's Goal - en velf rdsorganisation for b rn med Non-ketotisk Hyperglycin mi.
What gender stereotypes?Our princess is more likely to save herself than to wait for her prince. She'll be train driving, rocketship flying, and opera singing. We hope girls and boys will not be held back by gender stereotypes, and we strive to portray positive gender examples.
Available in bilingual formSometimes, one parent can speak a language the other doesn't, and bedtime stories shouldn't suffer because of it. Sharing the love of languages and learning is a priority for us - all our books will be available in bilingual forms.
Currently available in English and French, Dutch, Spanish, German and Serbian. More languages coming soon