A common theme running through the market economies of Western Europe and the old command economies of Eastern Europe is the desire to combine local economic development objectives with those of the international investor. It is in this context that the integration between planning systems and property markets is of paramount importance.
European Cities, Planning Systems and Property Markets focuses on this interaction by providing a comprehensive analysis of the interaction between the planning systems and property markets in seventeen key European cities including: London, Edinburgh, Stockholm, Warsaw, Budapest, Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Paris, Rome and Athens.The contributors consider the cities at different stages of economic maturity from both Western and Eastern Europe and examine the extent to which the planning process contributes to the stimulation of the commercial property markets and the attraction of property investment. Chapters also analyse the impact of administrative measures, legislative controls and fiscal policy upon the property market. Property professionals and investors, as well as planning and development consultants, will welcome the insight into practice and future direction provided by this book, available now for the first time in paperback.