"A wonderful and helpful timesaver for every pastor and Bible student who takes the text seriously." --Rick Warren, Pastor, Saddleback Church
This reader's edition of the Greek New Testament text combines the new Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge with a running list of glosses of every word that occurs fewer than 25 times in the Greek New Testament.
Those with limited knowledge of Greek can smoothly read the Greek text without needing to constantly refer to other reference resources--accelerating their facility with the Greek text and making their time more rewarding and more enjoyable as they read the very Word of God.
Running glosses of any Greek word occurring 25 times or less in the New Testament, placed below the Greek text Complete morphological parsing of Greek verbs used in uncommon or difficult forms Dictionary in the back defining words occurring more than 25 times 10-point Adobe text Single-column format, in accord with the earliest Greek manuscripts Ribbon marker Smyth-sewn binding Packaging: SlipcaseRelated Subjects
Bible Bibles Biblical Christian Christian Books & Bibles Christianity Religion Religion & Spirituality