Set in the San Francisco Bay Area during the late Sixties, Escape of the Alienated War Babies depicts a time of resistance and rebellion through the experiences of nine men and women embedded in the social and cultural uprising now recalled as the Counterculture. Each seeks his or her own deliverance from city streets made mean by lingering war, hostile protests, corrupt politics and police oppression.
The great Counterculture diaspora of 1969 scattered tens of thousands of such war babies across a continent as they pursued lives of communal solidarity, self-reliance and personal authenticity. The characters brought to life in War Babies enact the challenges and ask the questions that dominated an era when a divided generation of young adults attempted to negotiate a vast terrain of new and fractious frontiers. The goal of most was to create a liberated, more humane world, to exist without war, to restructure human social relations, to get high and stay high, and to live simply on the land.
But could they succeed? What they sought was rarely what they found and what they found was often more lesson than reward. Though once their journeys began there was no turning back. Alienated war babies needed to learn what was true for each before grasping what might be true for them all.