Erased is a courageous tale exposing the heartbreaking descent of one woman's abusive marriage. Her hard-fought reemergence from crippling self-doubt will inspire empathy, conversation and empower readers to break free from uncertainty and recognize signs of psychological manipulation and betrayal.
"The main character has taken a very challenging journey and shared it in order to help, educate and support so many who are scarred by addicts and narcissists. This is a must-read triumphant story of survival: making lemonade from lemons " - Deborah Dusansky M.A.
"Abuse manifests in countless ways, yet the damaging betrayal of emotional and psychological hijacking is so often underestimated." - Jeremy B. Husband & Father
"For those who have faced persistent self-doubt within their relationships, triggered by the consistent assertion of their partner's infallibility, this book provides valuable insights." - Carol M. Domestic Abuse Survivor