Rapid industrialization has resulted in the generation of huge quantities of hazardous waste, both solid and liquid. Despite regulatory guidelines and pollution control measures, industrial waste is being dumped on land and discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment. This gross misconduct creates serious environmental and public health hazards.
Environmental Waste Management promotes the proper management and utilization of industrial waste, delivering in-depth, state-of-the-art information on the physicochemical properties, chemical composition, and environmental risks associated with industrial waste from the sugar, pulp and paper, tanning, distilling, textile, petroleum hydrocarbon, and agrochemical sectors.
Featuring contributions from environmental microbiology and biotechnology experts from various universities, national research laboratories, and industries, this book:
Covers biocomposting of pressmud, treatment of pulp and paper mill wastewater, biodegradation of agrochemicals, and bioenergy production from industrial waste for safe recycling Examines persistent organic pollutants (POPs) discharged from industrial waste, emphasizing the relationship of metagenomics with POPs present in sugarcane molasses-based distillery waste and pulp paper mill wastewater after secondary treatment Discusses bioreactors for industrial wastewater treatment, biotransformation and biodegradation of organophosphates and organohalides in the environment by different bacterial populations, and metallothioneins for metal homeostasis and toleranceEnvironmental Waste Management provides students, scientists, and researchers of biotechnology, microbiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology with a specialized collection of cutting-edge industrial waste management and pollutant monitoring techniques.
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