Enlighten Me is a full comprehensive guide to mental health conditions and the array of treatment options for each condition. If you have ever asked yourself:
"How are mental illnesses different from each other?
"What's it like for my loved one to experience their mental illness?"
"Should I take psychiatric medications? What are the different types of medications?"
"Should I do psychotherapy or medications? Both?"
"What are the different types of psychotherapy?"
"How does addiction occur?"
"What are my treatment options for addiction?"
"How does trauma affect mental health?
Enlighten Me takes a deep dive into these questions (and more ) to give you a better understanding of the what, how, why, and the how of the mental health conditions. Gain a deeper understanding of mental illnesses beyond the "signs and symptoms" and see the differences between each medication, psychotherapy, and alternative therapies to better advocate for care. With the mental health system being one of the most broken systems in the United States, Enlighten Me will help make sense of a fragmented system and ways to navigate it.
Enlighten Me touches on the following topics:
Substance Use and Addiction
Addiction Treatment
Unique Population in Mental Health
Role of Trauma in Mental Health
Enlighten Me is suitable for any person with mental illness, or for friends and family wanting to learn about about their loved one's mental illness. Enlighten Me is also suitable for psychology students and clinicians wanting to take a deeper dive into the mental health world. With this comprehensive guide, Enlighten Me is sure to help you understand mental health and empower your choices for better mental wellbeing.