Eager to understand and appreciate the principles of life, Philip Chan began reading Buddhist literature and philosophy books. In Enlighten (Good Advice Part 5) he distills his research and life experience into a series of short and direct lessons.
Life is a journey of learning. You can choose your route and live a life you enjoy. Chan encourages self-reflection and hope by reminding you this is your own life: it cannot be lived by anyone else and it should not be lived for anyone else. To live the best life possible you need to develop a strong personal character that is responsible, grateful, and patient. Learn to relax and let go of the past. By treating others with compassion and respect, you will create nurturing relationships. Enjoy today - time passes quickly and once it's gone, it's gone forever. Peace of mind and contentment will keep you happy and healthy.
Based on traditional Chinese values and etiquette, Enlighten is a compact and gentle book on living your best life.
About the Author
Philip Chan has worked in IT in the banking industry for over 30 years, working in Hong Kong, Tokyo, New York, London, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Tampa. He received the CIO of the Year Award in 1999 and Life Time Achievement Award in 2002.
Chan has enjoyed writing since he was young. He publishes daily advice on his blog www.good-advice-book.blogspot.com. Canada Chinese Radio (AM1470) frequently shares Chan's words of advice and encouragement. Enlighten is his fifth published book.