What hope have so few against so many?
Halvaria. The very name conjures images of a vast empire, determined to rule the world of Eiddenwerthe.
For over a thousand years, their mighty armies have crushed all who opposed them. Now, it's poised to complete the Great Dream, the conquest of the entire Continent. Their legions stand ready to march, the navy prepared to sweep their enemies from the seas. All that remains is to secure their western border by subjugating an upstart kingdom of mercenaries.
With the threat of Halvaria looming, Merceria is forced to send warriors to their allies, leaving them with little to safeguard their borders. Barely united by a fragile peace, the four kingdoms battle civil unrest that threatens to destroy everything from within, leaving them ripe for invasion.
There is no turning back. The might of the world's greatest empire lies on the cusp of annihilating its newest enemy Merceria will do everything in its power to survive, but even that might not be enough.
The eyes of the empire are upon Merceria in Enemy of the Crown, Paul J Bennett's shocking twelfth book in the Heir to the Crown Series.
Prepare for the inevitable clash of arms as you plunge into your copy of Enemy of the Crown
New to the series? Meet Gerald Matheson, the steadfast warrior in Servant of the Crown, Heir to the Crown: Book One, available in eBook, Audiobook, and Paperback.