Thoroughly revised and expanded, the third edition of the Encyclopedia of Chromatography is an authoritative source of information for researchers in chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, and materials science. This quick reference and guide to specific chromatographic techniques and theory provides a basic introduction to the science and technology of the method, offering key references dealing with the methodology for analysis of specific chemicals and applications in industry. With a focus on emerging technologies and uses, the text contains tables and figures that cogently illustrate and clarify technical points in the articles. The Third Edition provides a valuable, reader-friendly reference for all those who employ chromatographic methods for analysis of complex mixtures of substances, as well as practitioners across the entire spectrum of science.
What's New in the Third Edition:
Bioanalysis: Silica- and Polymer-Based Monolithic ColumnsBioluminescence: Detection in TLCChemical Warfare Agent Degradation Products: HPLC/MS AnalysisChemical Warfare Agents: TLC AnalysisCyclodextrins in GCCyclodextrins in HPLCDetection in Ion ChromatographyDrug Development: LC/MSFlash ChromatographyFood Analysis: Ion ChromatographyInorganic and Organic Cations: Ion Chromatographic DeterminationInverse GCMultidimensional SeparationsSpiral Column Assembly for HSCCCThin Layer RadiochromatographyTopological Indices: TLCUV-Visible Detection Including Multiple WavelengthsALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE
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