Un secuestro detona la reaparici n de hechos olvidados por la mente de Mariano. Su captura se torna doble: f sica y emocional. El recorrido a pie del Estado de M xico a Guerrero es tambi n un andar duplicado. En condiciones de lluvia, sol, fr o, sin beber agua, descalzo y atado de manos junto a otras v ctimas, adultos y un par de ni os, atraviesa monta as al tiempo que dolores escindidos de su infancia afloran al revivir el episodio de abuso que ten a sepultado como instinto de supervivencia.
Uno a uno los ir n liberando, con excepci n de Mariano, por quien sus captores deciden pedir un doble rescate. A trav s de los ojos de los secuestrados y de las v ctimas seremos testigos de la violencia e impunidad que vive el pa s, y que alcanzan al protagonista cuando se asume verdugo.
The Pain of Memory
A kidnapping triggers the reappearance of events forgotten by Mariano's mind. His capture becomes double: physical and emotional. The journey on foot from the State of Mexico to Guerrero is also a double walk. In conditions of rain, sun, cold, without drinking water, barefoot and with his hands tied along with other victims, adults and a couple of children, he crosses mountains while tearing apart the pains of his childhood that surface when he relives the episode of abuse that he had buried as a survival instinct.
One by one they will be released, except Mariano, for whom his captors decide to ask for a double ransom. Through the eyes of the kidnapped and the victims we will witness the violence and impunity that Mexico lives, reaching the protagonist, while he assumes himself as an executioner.