Although he made sketches for a large symphonic work on the subject of Goethe's novel Faust, which he had been introduced to by Berlioz (via Gerard de Nerval's French translation), it was during Liszt's period of residency in Weimar that the sketches took root to grow into Eine Faust-Symphonie in drei Charakterbildern. The 1852 premiere of Berlioz's work on the same subject might have provided some inspiration, along with visits to Weimar by Gerard de Nerval and the English novelist George Eliot. Once he started in earnest, Liszt composed the piece quickly - from August through October of 1854. The piece was revised in advance of its premiere - given in Weimar at the dedication of the Goethe-Schiller monument on September 5, 1857.
This new study score is a digitally enhanced reissue of the critical edition by Berthold Kellermann prepared for the Liszt Gesammtausgabe first published in 1918. In contrast so many of the on-demand scores now available this one comes with all the pages with each image thoroughly checked to make sure it is readable, then beautifully printed on quality stock with an attractive glossy cover. The matching full score and orchestral parts are also now available from Serenissima Music.