"A definite MUST READ! EFFORTLESS WITH YOU left me smiling like a doofus and hugging my Kindle." -- Cassie Mae, bestselling author of REASONS I FELL FOR THE FUNNY FAT FRIEND and the forthcoming HOW TO DATE A NERD"A fun summer read. Highly recommended." -- Sheralynn Kwong"A quick, fun and flirty read. Thanks for sharing." -- Julie Ann Marra EFFORTLESS WITH YOU is the story of Lucy, a girl who needs an attitude adjustment, and Justin, the boy who just might give it to her.School is out and Lucy is ready for the perfect summer: lazy days at the pool, invitations to the most exclusive parties, and romantic dates with her hot new boyfriend. That is, until she lands in trouble one too many times and her parents issue the ultimate punishment: a summer job. Suddenly, the summer can't end fast enough.To make matters worse, the job is painting houses with Justin, the most popular, egotistical guy in school. Spending all summer with Justin might be other girls' dreams, but definitely not Lucy's. After all, Justin is cocky, annoying, and a jerk. So what if he's the most beautiful jerk Lucy's ever seen? Or that his grin makes her forget she's mad at the world? Or that maybe, just maybe, there's more to Justin than everyone thinks. Only one thing is certain: it won't be the summer she wanted, but it might be exactly the one she needs.Preview chapters from Cassie Mae's HOW TO DATE A NERD and Linda Budzinski's THE FUNERAL SINGER.
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