INTRODUCTION Empowerment: Nature & Definitions A woman has many names her whole life, names which define her divine roles as a woman. All over the world every culture, community and society work for women empowerment. Not only in social life but also in professional life, women are gaining success in each and every field. They have been treated badly and unequally to men. In the early ages, social evils like -sati system, dowry, female infanticide, and child marriage were common in India. Primordially time has changed, now a daughter or a mother is not only playing the role of homemaker but also able to live independently. Indian constitution provides Article 16, as per Article woman has equal opportunity in every unit of society. In the present scenario, females play a dynamic role in the family. She wants equal respect and dignity without the support of family and partner it is difficult to cope with situations. "It is not possible for a bird to fly on one wing". Swami Vivekananda, 1893 The important concept is "Empowerment‟, it is a social procedure which has multi-dimensions. It helps individual to gain control and balance over their own lives in their community, by creating action on issues that they consider as initial. "Increasing women‟s capabilities and empowering them is the surest way to contribute to economic growth and overall development". Human Development Report, UNDP, 1996,