Eenie's World encapsulates a beautiful magical world of brightness, health and happiness, complete with singalong rhymes, animations, creativity and warmth.
Eenie was founded on the inspiration to counter some of the traditional nursery rhymes that often contained rather negative lyrics based on darker historical events. Eenie's World provides the perfect antidote and balance for all the family - and friends.From toddlers upwards we can all have fun and learn through uplifting positive Rhyme and rhythm with Eenie Meenie Beenie Bo! The response of the child to rhymes has continued and persisted through the generations and through the ages. The rhyme's lyrics can often be remembered throughout one's life. Eenie Meenie offers fresh words and healthy messages that are sufficiently catchy and provide daily tools to empower our young ones positively. After all, our thoughts are so powerful they can have a ripple effect! So let us all glow and grow with Eenie Meenie Beenie Bo.
Eenie's World is ready to show everyone from the first year of life onwards that we are the secret of our own happiness if we can keep inner strength, peace, understanding and joy. All the rhymes, stories and materials have this simple direction - as wonderful individuals we can be happy, grateful and healthy so that we live well.Visit to download Eenie's Songs and music.