Appointment Agenda - Appointment Schedule Book - Appointment Scheduler Calendar Looking for a tool to assist you more wisely and efficiently in managing projects, clients and appointments? This Daily Appointment Notebook is the best choice
Cover: Great tough matte paperback. Secure professional binding prevents the paper falling apart. Therefore, the ledge is durable to withstand any adventure
Dimensions: Measures 8.5 x 11 inches, almost the same width as A4 but shorter in height. It is perfect size for any workspace to look tidy
Interior Details: This convenient Notebook has 110 pages with thick, high-quality white paper to prevent ink leakage.On each pages of the Appointment Log Book, there are 2 columns with appointment times from 7AM to 9PM in 15 minute increments. At the back, a section is also included to write important contact details.The columns are clearly marked to make an appointment time / date very easy to cross referenceSuitable for pencils, pens, felt tips pens and acrylic pens Simple design interior
What is this book for? This Daily Appointment Schedule will help you to organize the appointments in orders with our great value range of client appointment books.You can use this Appointment Planner as a personal reminder to increase your productivity
Who will need this book? This Daily Appointment Notebook is the best solution for those who deal with managing projects, clients and appointments or want to organize their daily grind wisely