Highlight the environment with these thought-provoking stories and activities
Our relationship to the planet earth is at the heart of the single largest problem we face today. We have a choice: hurt mother earth and we hurt ourselves; care for the earth and we reap its bounty. People from ancient times have always known this and have expressed it in their traditional stories.
Here are more than forty stories from thirty cultures that touch upon ecological themes: "Caring for the Land," "Caring for Other Creatures," "All Things Are Connected," "No Thing is Without Value," and "Planning for the Future." These nature tales will teach readers the importance of respect, responsibility and caring.
Award-winning author, Margaret Read MacDonald has garnished praise for Earth Care. Booklist called it "an invaluable resource both for environmental studies and general consciousness raising." While Kirkus Reviews described the collection as "humorous, profound, deceptively simple tales."