Azariah, a Inemite heiress, is sent to the lands Flazor as a spy. A mission that was once simple becomes complicated with a new romance begins, and Azariah finds that when power-hungry kings are involved, tragic consequences aren't far behind.
What happens when emotions play a part in kingdom affairs? Excerpt:"My name is... Azariah. You're very welcome. I'm sorry about the volume, I lost myself for a moment there." His casual manner surprised me.
"Oh, don't be sorry. I quite enjoyed it. This piano was just shipped from Inem, it arrived yesterday... if I may be so bold to assume from your accent, you are also new from Inem? I've not seen you around the palace before."
I laughed quietly, amused. "You would be correct in assuming that, sir. Yours is a beautiful palace."
He pursed his lips, just for a moment, then smiled again. "Thank you. The Queen has done much in the way of renovation; there is much to boast of, in my opinion." He cast his eyes around the room a moment, then brought them back to my face. "Azariah, you seem to know the piano very well. I was wondering if you might teach-"
"Excuse me-" A servant in livery had just come running through the door, breathless. He looked at Respen, then at me, then back at Respen. "Excuse me, your-" He began again, only to be interrupted by Respen holding up a hand to stop.
"Thank you, I shall attend to the business right away. You can run along now; I'm sure you've got other chores to do." He sighed, then turned back to me, dropping his suddenly strong and imperious voice for the quieter and more expressive tone of before. To be quite frank, it startled me.
"It has been quite a pleasure meeting you, Azariah. I really, genuinely hope to see you again soon. Maybe at tonight's ball...?" He raised an eyebrow. I nodded. He smiled and stood up, walking away slowly.
"Wait, Respen-" I called, suddenly and unexpectedly, even to myself. "I... I enjoyed meeting you to."
He smiled and nodded. "We'll just have to meet again soon, I suppose." Then he left.
I sat, my hands limp in my lap, thinking about that strange meeting. He was very handsome, and charming. He had dark blue eyes and hair black as coal... quite dashing. He seemed to express a genuine interest in me. I would look for him at the ball tonight.