Four voices narrate the last 24 hours of the life of Jesus. Down The Last Road is the complete narrative of that last day, from just before the last supper up to the moment when the remaining friends of Jesus walked away from his tomb the following evening. This blended translation presents the reports of all four Gospels in one continuous story.
As Jesus was poised on the edge of his last day of life in his earthly body he knew what was to come. He knew that God would bring light out of darkness by what would happen in the coming day. This was the day to walk down the most challenging road. This was his hour. This was the reason he came to earth. Down The Last Road makes it possible to read all of the accounts of that day in one smooth narrative.
Following the blended narrative, extensive study notes describe the process of translating and blending this account from the best ancient Greek manuscripts. Instead of retelling the events of this day, Zimmerman has taken Scripture itself and woven a smooth blend of all four accounts. The study notes facilitate in-depth review of the process that went into making this translation.
This book is a unique and valuable resource, especially in Lent, for corporate worship and personal devotion. A full chapter of suggestions for how to use the narrative in churches or for individual study and prayer guides readers toward making the most of this resource.