Double Bogeys Can Kill is the 9th title in the Jim West mystery/thriller series. In this book West finds himself in Myrtle Beach joining 15 retired air force pilots, to fill a void and allow the group to have four foursomes. The week, usually fun and something the pilots look forward to, quickly turns into tragedy as one of the golfers is murdered after the first day of golf. The pilots know West's background as a criminal investigator in the air force and lean on him to solve the murder. The Myrtle Beach police also learn of West's background and want him to be their inside man. West doesn't want the role, knowing it's a lose-lose proposition. He's right, and on the second night, the murderer seeing West as a threat tries to kill him. West survives but requires a trip to the hospital. The suspect pool shrinks down to his fellow golfers. Balancing his cooperation with the police with his golf is not easy as the whole group starts to turn on itself. Finally, West is confronted by the killer now crazy enough to kill himself and take West with him.