The book title, Divine Dictionary for Deliverance, speaks for itself. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but of principalities of darkness, and rulers in heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). In this book, you will be able to locate what spirits of darkness are troubling you and causing problems in your family. You will be able to find out if Satan is using you on the down-low (without knowing). You will be able to identify if you are connected to generational curses. In this book, you will be able to acknowledge if the organizations you belong to, and the things that you participate in that seem innocent are connected to demons and the dark world. Find out what is causing the same pattern of tragedies in your family, and why it seems that you cannot go forward no matter how hard you try. If you want freedom purchase this book to find out how to be released from your hardships and afflictions caused by demons.
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