If you're looking for a diving log book that covers all the essentials rather than bombarding you with check boxes, then this could be the one for you.
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Features include:
Convenient size: 6 x 9 inches (15.24 x 22.86 cm); small enough to take anywhere. Includes a 'Diver's Information' page, 100 pages to log 100 dives, 2 certification pages to record up to 8 courses, and 3 lined pages at the back for notes, plans, etc.Dive log pages include sections for: dive no., date, dive time, location, country, depth, weight, suit, along with a section for verification signature/stamp, and an area for comments and any additional information.106 white pages, printed on high quality stock; suitable for pen or pencil. Professional trade paperback binding (the same binding as books in your local library).Order a copy for yourself or pick one up as a gift for your favorite diver