The District Deputy Grand Masters' Guide provides simple, down-to-earth instructions for serving in the office of District Deputy Grand Master within the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Originally written in 2018, when the author was Grand Instructor of CA, it gained rapid popularity, and was adopted unofficially as the go-to DDGM's guide for nearly every Grand Instructor who followed him.
The work has been updated and revised for all jurisdictions under the authority of The Sovereign Grand Lodge, so that all Grand Lodges have access to a ready-made, easy-to-understand, comprehensive training manual for their DDGMs.
The work includes topics such as: qualifications and duties of the office; instruction on the basic tenets and institutions of Odd Fellowship; how to run a lodge, and much more.
If you're a Grand Instructor for your jurisdiction, or an incoming DDGM looking for guidance and instruction, this is sure to be an invaluable resource for planning your training curriculum, or preparing for your service to your district.